Friday, August 7, 2009


Well I knew the day was coming I had to go back to work...ugh. I wasn't that fond of my job before, but NOW, I really didn't want to be there. It really wasn't that bad though. This first week back, I have been walking around in a fog. Work was the last thing on my mind when I was spending time with Victoria, and now I feel as though I am a brand new RN starting to work. It's amazing how much a person can forget in three months. Some stuff, unfortunately, came screaming back. I've become very grateful for changing my daughters diapers compared to what I had to deal with yesterday....if I would have had the pregnancy nose, I would have heaved my toenails all day long.

So I know what you're all thinking.....what did you do with Victoria? and how many times did you call? Well Nonnie came over Monday and took care of her on Tuesday. She played and played all day. She only got fussy right before I got home. I felt so great getting home and being the only one to calm her down (made me feel good to come home and have my baby love me even though I left her). Wednesday morning Nonnie left to go home and 30 mins. later we had a knock at the door. Well, holy crap dog....Aunt Judy surprised us!!!! She was in from Austin and wanted to see Victoria. I still think the shock is wearing off.:)

Victoria and Nonnie- I told you Nonnie has special g-ma powers to put that baby to sleep.

Aunt Judy and Victoria, Aug. 5, 2009

Wednesday night, Aunt Susan and Cameron came to stay with us and watched Victoria on Thursday, and by the way, I only called one time on both days....I did good because I really wanted to call every five minutes. We are so very lucky to have such wonderful family and so glad that they came to stay with us. Daddy is going to be keeping her on the weekends, and next Thursday is still up for grabs as to who is going to be watching her since I haven't heard back on the transitioning at the daycare I don't want to put her in. Luckily it's just three days I have to be gone, but I can't tell you how horrible it is that I leave before she wakes up and get home right at bedtime. Every day something new happens and that is three days a week I am missing. It's insanely hard and I hate it, but it's got to be done. Keep us in your prayers. More to follow, but here are a couple of new pics.

We love our swing!!!

This one is for Aunt Judy- our big flower headband :)

I smile all the time

We're on a see food diet

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