Monday, July 6, 2009

Not a whole lot to report lately. Miss priss is growing like a weed. July 2nd was our last doctor visit and she is now weighing in at 10 lbs. She's getting to be quite the porker. So, now, she's in the 75th percentile with her weight and height and 50% in head circumference. Grandma Bonnie came to visit for a few days. It's so funny to watch those two. Victoria loves her grandma. Grandma Bonnie must have a some special grandma powers because I swear she could turn that kid upside down and she would still go to sleep in her arms.

Well Saturday, we noticed a small swollen area near Victoria's right ear. By late afternoon, it had become the size of a quarter. I called the nurse on call and she seemed to, without looking at it, think it was a bug bite. That child doesn't get put down long enough for a bug to bite her, but whatever. Anyhow she told us to watch it for three days to see if the swelling went down. Well, of course it hasn't. So we are scheduled to see the Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing. It doesn't seem to really bother her, other than she has been exceptionally fussy these past few days and she isn't sleeping much or for any length of time. Anyhow, keep us in your prayers.

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