Thursday, May 14, 2009

Frustration I went to the Dr. today thinking I would be hearing some good news like, "hey, I'm going to induce you next week", seeing as how I was put on bedrest on the 11th. I heard instead that they made a boo boo and gave me the wrong EDD and the correct one is going to be a week later. So I went from being due May 23 to May 30. However, lucky me, I'm going to be induced on the evening of the 27th. They are going to start the pitocin then, and provided everything progresses normally (nothing in this pregnancy has been normal so far), Victoria will be here the next afternoon. Now, of course, there is always the possibility of going into labor on my own. I'm still at a -3 station and only dilated 1 cm. She's just chilling in her little hot tub and I don't forsee her coming any time before the induction.

A bit of great news is that she, per the sonogram today, is roughly 7 1/2 lbs. So, she's not the 10 pounder Matthew kept hoping for :( While the sonogram tech was measuring everything, she made the comment about the placenta being very calcified and she wouldn't be surprised if I got induced next week. No such luck though. Next week should be a fun filled aggressive exam.....yay!!!!

On a brighter note, we finally have Victoria's room pretty much set up and we're just waiting for our little miss priss to get here. Keep praying for us and please pray that I go into labor soon.

The letters took forever to do. I'm so not artistically inclined.


  1. Well i cant believe they changed the date! I was planning a trip up on the weekend after the due date and ready to head up there sooner if need be, but i guess now i can plan on the 28th? Cant wait to meet this little gal, cade is excited too ;)

    As always your pirate,

  2. The nursery is precious! I can wait to put my arms around my little granddaughter! Love you both.

    Grandma Barbarisi

  3. What a precious nursery for a very lucky little girl. She will have wonderful parents and a big family waiting to give her lots of love and attention WHENEVER she gets here!!
    Aunt Judy
